2023 Ride Schedule Open and Moving to Spond for ride scheduling

2023 Season Opening and Move to SPOND app for ride scheduling

A couple of quick ones to start:

– the 2023 kit should arrive any day. Pick up instructions at HQ will be sent to the individuals who ordered.
– haven’t signed up yet?  – Sign Up for 2023
– thanks to all the VCC riders who have volunteered to be ride leaders for the jack ride. And special thanks to Rich Martyn for volunteering his time on the gravel ride committee

2023 Ride Calendar Open

Apologies for the delay in opening the ride calendar. We’ll be starting with the following and then opening up the rest.

Tues / Thurs Breakaway is being lead and managed by Craig Tyndall through his WhatsApp group
Tues Peloton, which is new to 2023, is just a tad slower than the Breakaway. This will be managed and lead by Rich Martyn.  More to follow on a Thursday option.
– Wed Tempo will be lead by a gaggle of ride captains as we generally have several capable riders to overseeing this ride
Thurs Gravel will be a formal VCC event this year and Keith will lead these morning rides and start locations. For those gravel interested riders, keep an eye on the calendar
Saturday DPH ride is being lead by Keith Luder. As the interest rises ,and people get in top cycling conditioning, this ride will split into the traditional route and the option of an extended group
Sunday Outta Town Rides are being lead by Rich Williams which is also managed through a WhatsApp chat group given the variety of rides and start locations

Monday Tips and Clips has a large number of new to group riding potential members so Greg and Rich are holding a training ride this coming Wednesday. Following this session, the rollout of the regular ride schedule will be posted

Integration of the Ride Calendar and Messaging (pay attention here)

We are excited to move the majority of our ride scheduling to an app called Spond (https://www.spond.com/).

Spond has the following benefits:
– as you would expect all rides can viewed in the app, the start time, location and expected distance
– communicating specifics to each ride such as weather issues which eases the burden on the Ride Captains
– it is available for iPhone and Android as well as desk top version
– the app allows Ride Captains to communicate specific to each unique ride. Even if you haven’t signed up you can see the communications
– users can choose to get notifications specific to those rides they are interested in. Or to receive no notifications.
– it is relatively simple for the users and there is no cost to users

This will take a bit of patience to get configured but once you are set, you just have to check on the rides you care about and ignore the rest

We are working on a rollout plan which will follow soon and as of the date of this message we will upload all members to Spond who have registered with VCC and you should be notified directly from Spond once this is done. 

We will continue in parallel with the website calendar for a period until such time as we get everyone comfortable with Spond. We will only be uploading your name and email into Spond. The roll out plan will be emailed to those who were uploaded and also be available on the Home Page of the website

If you have questions about the article above, send us an email.

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