Spond, Longest Ride of the Year and 2nd Round of Kit Ordering

We are excited that the cycling season is in full swing, despite the introduction of the forest fire smoke from our friends out east.
We wanted to update the membership on the following three areas:
Ride scheduling and chat app progress
The introduction to Spond has had its bumps but looks to be in full swing now. It is important to note that if you are not seeing rides you are interested in, or not getting invites to them, or have any other questions, please email pdouglasmartin@gmail.com or talk to the host of the rides your frequent. It means you are not registered for that ride sub-group and currently we have to add you from the administrative accounts.
Given the progress, we will cease use of the calendar on the website for ride scheduling.
Longest Ride of the Year – Sunday, June 18
Join the Summer Solstice ride being hosted by ECC and VCC. Here is what you can expect:
We will be riding together with our ECC friends to the Tin Roof Café in Erin. Two distance options will be offered, a 184k option starting from Humbertown and a 105k route starting from Hornby Park at Steeles and Sixth Line. If we have enough riders we will break into smaller groups with different paces.
Start times will be confirmed closer to the date so please sign up on Spond to indicate your interest.
Second Round of Kit Ordering Open til June 14th
Given the favourable reception to the new design, we have decided to re-open ordering for just the jersey and bib shorts for a limited time. Please click on the link below in case you missed us on the initial order. With some luck, they should arrive before the end of July.