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Week 3 - July ride schedule update

Ride schedule reminders

Please be reminded of the following rides for this forthcoming weekend and next Wednesday. All rides depart from the parking lot at Humbertown Plaza. Clips and Tips have been moved to Sunday for this coming weekend.

Saturday July 18th
– 8am social paced Danish pastry ride (70-80km)

Sunday July 19th
– 8am tempo paced Danish pastry ride (70-80km)
– 9am Clips and Tips ride (50-60km at +/- 24 kph)

Wednesday July 22nd
– 6:05pm tempo paced ride (70-80km)

Please email if you wish to participate who will schedule the riders and confirming that your registration and waiver are current.
We are targeting the end of next week to shift ride tracking to the calendar on the website and implement the reservation system there. Fingers crossed we get it done by then. Should make the process easier for all involved. 

Greg Alfred

If you have questions about the article above, send us an email.

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