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Sign up for more rides including inaugural Jim Abernethy ride

Focus of this update:

  • ride groups increased to 15

  • Inaugural Jim Abernethy charity ride Aug 15th in Beaver Valley – third ride start time added

  • Castelli offer coming soon

Lots of ride news to update VCC club members in this update

But first a ride etiquette safety reminder: when riding in a group please be vigilant in your use of hand signals and calling out, especially when encountering unexpected stops.

August ride update/Jim Abernethy Camp Oochigeas charity ride

– with the progression to Stage 3 we can now increase our group rides to 15 riders and the calendar reservation systems appears to  be working well now

– we are continuing with two rides on the calendar (Wed and Sat) until demand suggests more are required. We will contemplate some ad hoc gravel rides which we will announce by e-mail in the future

Inaugural Jim Abernethy Ride – August 15

– for those wishing to get out of the city and do either an 80km or 160km ride from Beaver Valley please sign up for the inaugural Jim Abernethy charity fund raiser on August 15th in  support  of Camp Oochigeas (see ride details in the VCC website calendar including proposed routes on Strava)

Ride times have been amended to add flexibility for participants. The 160km ride will commence at 8 am and we are now providing two 80 km start times:

– 8 am and 11 am.

If you have already RSVP’d please check to make sure you are in your preferred time and amend if necessary.

One of our VCC members is hosting an appropriately socially distanced after ride event at his chalet afterwards. Let’s Ride, Give and Live at this one.

HOLD THESE DATES – Future featured rides 

Steve Hancock Memorial Ride (Saturday September 12th)

We plan to incorporate this ride into our normal Saturday morning ride by amending the route to take us through the airport.

Tanya’s Ride for Brain Injury (Saturday October 3rd) 

Tanya’s Ride is being held in memory of Tanya with a view to also being a fund raiser for the Brain Injury Society of Toronto (

More details will be forthcoming as we get closer to the date.  At the present time we are considering hosting one road and one gravel ride option.

Things to look forward to

– Castelli will be offering our membership some special deals. Link to follow soon.

Greg Alfred

If you have questions about the article above, send us an email.